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Prepare for a fruitful Lent - part 1

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

Ten days until Ash Wednesday. Ten days to prepare to have the most fruitful Lent you’ve ever had! How often do we wait until the last minute, either Tuesday night before or Ash Wednesday morning, to decide what to ‘give up’ or ‘take on’ without prayerfully asking the Holy Spirit to guide us in the right direction? We are just checking the box of being a good Catholic Christian and giving up something for Lent without stopping to think about why it is that we have this season of Lent. What the Lord really wants from us all the time is all of our love. He wants our hearts, minds, and souls – radical self-giving.   And what we mostly give Him is a little bit of affection.  Let’s be radical this Lent and pray and discern exactly where in our lives it is that we most need to let God in and the Light purify us so that we can give more of ourselves to Him and let His love change us. Let’s examine our lives in light of these sins and see where it is we need to focus, be it:

gluttony (lack of control over what we eat or drink)

sloth (no time to pray, skipping Mass, not going to confession, spending too much time on computers or devices)

pride (I’m in control of my life, and I don’t need to turn to God in prayer and ask for His will not mine, I have it all together and don’t need to stop and ask God what His will is, I know all of the answers to everything)

vanity (what others think of me is more important than what God thinks of me and controls my actions, and I contort myself to please others)

anger (am I impatient with my family members or co-workers, do I lose my cool in traffic, do I sometimes totally blow my fuse)

lust (can be sexual or material, does my desire for sexual pleasure or sensual appetites control my thoughts)

envy (do I spend a lot of time on social media comparing my life to others and wanting what they have instead of being grateful for the many blessing God provides)

Over the next week, let us all pick one area where we will hone in, and with God’s help and the grace of the sacraments, try to grow spiritually and weed out the vice and grow in virtue.  Next week we will go over examples of how and what we can work on for each of the vices above so that we can make a plan for a fruitful Lent where we grow in love for God, and we open our hearts more to His enormous love for us!

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